
Tag: bp_docs_access_anyone

College vs. University

Deciding between college and university? Here is some info to consider for each… try thinking about it compared to your own personality, learning style, and needs!

– More career-oriented, hands-on smaller classes
– More opportunities for student-teacher interaction
– Offer a range of programs, including apprenticeships, certificate programs, diplomas, and degrees

– More theory and lecture based larger classes
– Less opportunities for student-teacher interaction
– Offer 3 and 4 year undergraduate programs (a bachelor’s degree), as well as graduate programs (master’s and doctoral degrees)

There are also joint university-college programs that grant a degree and a diploma.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy is a type of health care that helps to solve the problems that interfere with a person’s ability to do the things that are important to them – everyday things like:

  • Self-care – getting dressed, eating, moving around the house,
  • Being productive -going to work or school, participating in the community, and
  • Leisure activities – sports, gardening, social activities.

Occupational therapy can also prevent a problem or minimize its effects.

Occupational therapists work in home, institutional (i.e. hospitals, schools), industry and business (i.e. corporations) and government settings.

Sourced from: https://caot.ca/site/rfs/res_for_students?nav=sidebar


Check out this quick & fun whiteboard style video about occupational therapy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETcPH5-LmDw


Rett Syndrome

Rett Syndrome is a neurodevelopmental condition that impacts all areas of an individual’s life, particularly speech and hand use. It develops in infancy and is found almost exclusively in females. Early developmental milestones appear normal (for example, crawling or responding to social cues from parents) but between 6-18 months the child’s development will either stop or regress to a less developed state (for example, if they were able to pick up a book before, they may not be able to now).  Repetitive and constant hand movements are a typical hallmark of this condition. Rett Syndrome is not degenerative, meaning many individuals live long into adulthood.

(Sourced from: https://www.rett.ca/rett-syndromertt/what-is-rett-syndrome/)

Miscellaneous videos

Check out this live hand drawn video to learn some key terms for understanding gender identity:



Carleton University

City: Ottawa



Programs of study:


Student Support Services:



Ryerson University

City: Toronto



Programs of study:


Academic Accommodation Support:


Transition from high school to university program:
